Simplify your communications with Microsoft Teams Phone

Categories: Connectivity

Phone calls, online meetings, and chat: Discover the benefits of Microsoft Teams as an all-in-one app.

The way we work together has changed dramatically, mostly down to ever-increasing digitalization but also the pandemic. No matter the sector, companies need to stay in touch with colleagues, their customers, and their partners. Although email is still the number one business collaboration tool, phone calls, text chats, and video calls are hot on its heels [1]. Regardless of industry and number of daily contacts, both small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and large enterprises need to go digital to not only stay competitive but also continue growing.

Eurostat [2] revealed that, in 2021, 41 percent of businesses in the EU purchased cloud computing services. Interestingly, large businesses are more likely to opt for cloud solutions than SMBs, with 72 percent of large businesses purchasing cloud services compared to just 40 percent of small and medium-sized businesses. Cloud computing services include collaboration tools and apps like Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Teams Phone, and as these solutions are in the cloud, they can be used from anywhere. Of the businesses using cloud computing, 79 percent said they rely on the cloud to host their email systems, 66 percent use it to store files, and 61 percent for office software, such as word processors and spreadsheets.

Take your calls to the next level

Online meetings and screen sharing became the new normal during the pandemic. As more and more companies start using collaboration tools and apps like Microsoft Teams Phone, it’s no surprise that the number of cloud-based calls is on the rise. For example, Statista [3] revealed that, in 2022, 82 percent of users in Cyprus, 74 percent in Hungary, 70 percent in Greece, and 63 percent in Croatia used the internet to make both phone and video calls. Another 2022 survey [4] showed that over 94 percent of professionals around the world make and receive phone calls while at work. What’s more, 87.5 percent said they use video calls to communicate at work—55 percent on a daily basis. Collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams were used by about 60 percent of the professionals surveyed.

Why not take advantage of well-known apps and use Teams not only for email, chat, and office tools but also as your phone for all calls? Microsoft Teams Phone allows you to seamlessly integrate calls into your everyday work. From contacts and history to voicemail and a dial pad—Teams Phone has everything you need. Easily handle every incoming call with effective call management, auto attendant, and call queues for improved customer satisfaction. Stay connected wherever employees are working with a single phone number across any device. And enjoy tele/videoconferencing, screen sharing, online meetings, and group meetings to help you quickly solve customer problems and provide the highest level of online service at any time.

Make your communication work for you

Best of all: You can connect to a call or conference call by dialing the phone number—you don’t need to have the Microsoft Teams app or even internet access. Plus, you can make phone calls and teleconference calls from Teams to landline and mobile numbers, and it doesn’t matter anymore whether it’s a national or international call. It’s the perfect way for businesses to reduce costs. Cloud-based calls can simply replace traditional IP PBX systems in most cases because Teams Phone has similar features. What’s more, Microsoft Teams Phone also gives companies the option to monitor and resolve performance issues with call analytics and the Call Quality Dashboard (CQD).

But that’s not all, because Microsoft Teams can meet several challenges when it comes to company communications. For example, you can exchange information quickly via chat to improve collaboration and make teamwork more efficient. You can also store and work on files together without needing to send large amounts of data via email. Companies don’t even have to worry about getting the best employees to come to the office because Microsoft Teams makes remote work much easier, and location doesn’t matter anymore.


Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Teams Phone enable businesses to save not only time but also money by using a single provider for all their communication needs. They also make it easy to take your teamwork and efficiency to a whole new level—helping you stay one step ahead of the competition. Our experts at Telekom Business Europe are here to support you with innovative solutions for SMBs and large businesses alike—giving you a helping hand with your digital transformation.


  1. Is email outdated? 
  2. Digitalisation in Europe – 2023 edition 
  3. Nutzung von Internet- oder Videotelefonie in ausgewählten Ländern in Europa 2022
  4. Global communication tools and channels used for work 2022, by frequency