The digital revolution is ready for take-off: an airport is a complex environment where a high density of people come together in a very limited space. Digitalization and new technologies help to ensure everything runs smoothly and securely, with all the comfort passengers need. With smart airport solutions, Airport 4.0 is no longer a dream. 

For example, artificial intelligence (AI) is already helping with biometric identification for boarding passengers. Yet new technologies offer much more, too: vast amounts of data need to be transported extremely quickly, especially at an airport. The Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G campus networks are perfect for this. They combine fast and secure data transfer with optimum connectivity. Comprehensive solutions such as an Airport Operation Management System ensure smooth operation and greater security. This is particularly useful in view of the many different IT systems running in parallel. With smart airport solutions, airport management is made easy, and the digital transformation is guaranteed to be a success.


Embark on the path of digital transformation and automate your airport processes to reach your full potential. COO, CIO or CFO – with smart airport solutions, you are future-proof.



To ensure operations run smoothly, increase resilience and improve quality for all involved, digital integration of systems and processes is the most important way forward. That’s where smart airport solutions come in.

  • Take your airport management to the next level with Airport Management Operation Systems and control everything from one suite.
  • Control automation and processes in finance, human resources, manufacturing, supply chain, services, procurement and more with ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning).
  • Combine the advantages of state-of-the-art technologies such as AI, VR, Internet of Things (IoT), 5G campus networks, Big Data, cloud computing and much more.


Intelligent airport solutions not only offer many advantages for the airport itself, but also ensure a higher quality of operations and have a positive impact on the experience of passengers, visitors and businesses.

  • Ensure higher accuracy, punctuality and quality of flight operation
  • Provide passengers with all the information they need about their flight and airport visit in real-time, e.g. with the modern internet service i-mode.
  • Use the full potential of digitalization for a smoother workflow, reliable security, and greater convenience.
  • Get your own cloud infrastructure for secure, uninterrupted and seamless communication at the airport, more efficient operations and an optimum service for passengers. 


Smart airport solutions for connectivity, airport management and digital transformation – all combined in a digital infrastructure – will reduce costs, as well as offering passengers new digital options and greater convenience.

  • Reduce infrastructure costs by minimizing and standardizing hardware and software
  • Higher revenue and better free cash flow
  • Automate processes such as goods deliveries, order processing, cash payments and more.
  • Combine all your IT technologies and get everything from one provider.
  • Ensure connectivity with modern technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G campus networks and much more.


From take-off to landing, from people to operations: discover how the holistic approach of our smart airport solutions can not only pave the way for digital transformation but also help to optimize processes, facilitate airport management, improve efficiency and quality, reduce costs and increase convenience for passengers, visitors and businesses.

Airport Management System

Turn both your own systems and third-party systems into a modern, integrated end-to-end solution with our Airport Management System. The diverse and wide-ranging technology of a modern airport, combined with the large number of stakeholders involved, poses a major challenge. New technologies for seamless connectivity and cloud computing must be integrated into the various existing operational systems and linked for optimum interoperability. Our smart airport solutions give you a helping hand on your way to Airport 4.0.

  • One partner / provider and IT from a single source
  • Integrate the digital technology you need with advanced AODB, RMS, FIDS, GHAMS, AVD, A-CDM, SAMS
  • Smooth operation, alongside better connectivity and coordination between the airport, air traffic control, ground handling services and airlines 
  • Reduced costs and greater efficiency, sustainability, and comfort

5G Campus Network

Large amounts of sensitive data are processed at an airport every day. Whether transporting huge amounts of data in the blink of an eye or protecting sensitive data from cyber threats: a 5G campus network offers better connectivity, comprehensive incident management and maximum security. Airports in particular must rely on smart airport solutions when it comes to mission-critical applications. With a 5G campus network, you have your own closed ecosystem that gives you exactly that.

  • Reliable and stable data transmissions at lightning speed, with no delays and a very high capacity
  • Closed ecosystem with high reliability and security
  • A 5G campus network can not only facilitate air travel, but also dramatically improve the experience and services for passengers, visitors, and businesses at the airport

ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning)

The ERP system automates core processes and provides support when it comes to finance, human resources, manufacturing, supply chain, services, procurement and more. However, it not only improves the processes for the airport itself, but also for passengers, visitors, and businesses. Because it also automates operational and financial flows such as goods deliveries, order processing, cash payments and much more. Delivered via the cloud, ERP systems utilize the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to provide intelligent automation, greater efficiency, and instant insights across the airport. In this way, the ERP enables digital transformation and is an important step towards airport digitalization.

  • Smart airport solution for automating and optimizing processes
  • Higher efficiency, increased transparency, reduced costs and greater information flow – for all those involved in and around an airport
  • Implementation of specialized systems such as Airport Operations Management System (AOMS) or Human Resource Management System (HRMS)

Cloud services

Private cloud solutions make it possible to create a private cloud infrastructure within an airport. This connectivity solution provides secure interconnection and voice, image and data transfer, as well as communications solutions via IP telephony and private radio networks. The major advantage of cloud computing is the provision of various services via the internet. This means that airports do not have to maintain their own IT infrastructure, but have experts on hand to provide, configure and manage the necessary IT.

  • Uninterrupted and secure communication, greater efficiency, and optimized services for passengers 
  • Expandability of smart airport solutions such as private radio networks as a main communication system in the event of an emergency
  • Technical support for all smart airport solutions


In addition to offering many advantages and simplifications for airport operators themselves, smart airport solutions also provide several opportunities to improve the airport experience for passengers, visitors and store owners. How about providing passengers and visitors with all the real-time information they need, whenever they need it? i-mode is a state-of-the-art mobile internet service that will improve the airport experience. And that's not all: it also paves the way for digital transformation of the airport.

  • Fast and accurate real-time information via mobile phone for passengers, visitors, and other airport users
  • Ease of use, high speed, reliability and an extensive variety of services and thematic content, as well as advanced and easy-to-use email services
  • Provide important information about scheduled flights, airport access, airport parking and car rental services, as well as information on shopping centre offers


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