Secure cloud for office data sharing

Categories: SMBsCloud

Find out how secure cloud solutions can help your business reach customers and share office data and digital assets 24/7.


In a more digital world that demands ever greater speed, performance, and adaptability, we also need the right digital solutions for a safe and productive working environment. Secure cloud solutions enable you to remain competitive under precisely these conditions. Imagine working together and sharing business files from anywhere at any time. That’s what moving to a secure cloud can look like thanks to both scalable tools and platforms. It’s all about operating in a flexible, agile, and customer-centric way. Let’s take a closer look at how you can get this for your business too—and the benefits it brings for your workforce and business digitalization.


No matter how many employees and customers you have or what sector or industry you operate in—modern cloud solutions for working remotely and sharing data are essential to any future-oriented company. They’re the only way to operate contemporary office tools, data platforms, and resource-intensive AI applications smoothly at any time thanks to reliable networks and connections.

Surprisingly, secure clouds are still only mostly used for storing and sharing data as well as creating backups and IT security solutions. But entering the world of the cloud is easier than you think. What’s more, with T Business, you benefit from an entire ecosystem with certified cloud providers and secure data centers. For example, our end-to-end cloud migration framework uses industry-leading next-generation data centers to save your data securely in the cloud—for safe, sustainable success.


One of the biggest advantages of using secure cloud solutions for office work and data sharing is that they help companies avoid the cost and complexity of setting up their own IT or data storage infrastructure. Cloud computing provides on-demand computing services like the latest office apps for remote work, easy and secure data storage and sharing solutions, and processing power to help you stay competitive in a digital world. We have a simple 4-step approach to use the best solution for your business:

  1. CHECK YOUR STATUS: We evaluate your cloud readiness by scanning your entire IT and application landscape to identify which infrastructure, platforms, and applications can be moved to the cloud and how you’ll benefit.
  2. CHOOSE YOUR PATH: We help you transition your business to a private, public, or hybrid cloud with a range of tools, services, and expertise. As different workloads have different requirements, we take the time to find the best solutions for your needs.
  3. MOVE TO THE CLOUD: We prepare a proof of concept with selected workloads for your business depending on your strategy, e.g. a hybrid or complete migration scenario. Once finished, you can enjoy the flexibility of your secure cloud solution.
  4. MANAGE DIGITALIZATION: We offer a unique client-centric approach to ensure that you’re able to manage your secure cloud as efficiently as possible. As a cloud-enabled organization, you can now exploit a new revenue stream.

Last but not least, our motto is “safety first”. For example, our ‘On-net’ security solution offers real-time internet protection by blocking known malicious websites. Using the Telekom network, together with anti-virus software and advanced e-mail protection, ensures end-point protection for both your customers’ devices and your own network. Plus, regular data backups make sure that your business keeps running securely 24/7.


So, whatever your business needs, our experts can help you choose the perfect solutions—from secure cloud and data-sharing solutions to powerful business apps and premium hardware. What’s more, all of this is protected round the clock with solutions backed by reliable networks—ranging from small business security services to comprehensive cybersecurity strategies for larger organizations.

You enjoy end-to-end support for all your connections, setting your business up for future success. Stay focused on your business and let us help you make your office fully digital. Let’s make digital work. Together. For you, your colleagues, your partners, and most importantly, your customers. With secure cloud solutions.