Create your cybersecurity roadmap

Categories: Security

Learn how to play it safe by facing cyberattacks with our Identify-Protect-Defend-model (IPD).

Whether data leaks, DDoS threats, malware or supply chain attacks: Cyber threats to companies in the EU are constantly on the rise. According to the European Council, ransomware attacks (criminals take control of a target's asset and demand a ransom to restore its availability), which can be extremely costly, have been at the top of the list in recent years. This is just one of countless threats that show how important it is to have a reliable cybersecurity roadmap in order to operate safely in a digitalized business world.


Empowering the technology and the human skills

Alongside technical vulnerabilities, attackers continue to target other areas as well––for example, forcing social engineering threats that attempt to exploit a human error: According to data from 2022, 82% of data breaches involved a human element. All this can threaten the existence of a company or organization. More than ever, a secure journey to business success requires a pioneering cybersecurity roadmap, from an IT security assessment to identify potential risks, an implementation plan of countermeasures, threat monitoring, recovery measures and staff training.


Why a holistic cybersecurity roadmap is so important

Whether one-man businesses, small and medium-sized businesses or large enterprises: A tailored cyber security strategy is crucial to survive in the increasingly digital and hybrid business world and needs more than just a firewall and antivirus software. At Telekom Business Europe, we set up a holistic strategy which includes an IT security check, regularly scanning and updating all systems plus sensitizing and training employees in security issues, and recovery tools. Following our IDENTIFY-PROTECT-DEFEND (IPD) model, we create a customized cybersecurity roadmap, relying on other reliable partners to keep your business secure at all levels.


1. Step – Security check to IDENTIFY risks

The IPD security journey starts with a comprehensive check of your current cyber security strategy: The goal is to identify possible security risks such as phishing emails, insecure passwords or outdated software, as well as internal threats such as inadequate access controls. Appropriate scans are performed and a comprehensive cybersecurity health check report provides recommendations for improving the IT security. This IT security assessment aims at exploiting the strengths and weaknesses of your IT security, and beyond.

Based on this IT security check, clear recommendations are provided by long-experienced experts for next steps to improve your cybersecurity. In the end, you will have a detailed overview of potential vulnerabilities and countermeasures to create a cybersecurity roadmap to target financial resources to combat the most urgent security risks and position yourself as a trusted company in the digital business world.


2. Step – Measures to PROTECT everything

The remarks at the beginning of this article and possibly also our own experience with cyber threats point to one thing above all: Data security and the protection of systems, networks and the entire infrastructure, right down to employees' end devices, is elementary. This requires more than just having a strong password. Especially in times of digital, remote and hybrid work models, the dangers have increased again and require securing all internal and external interconnection points.

As mentioned, human errors are also a risk factor: That's why we make employees the first line of defense and why the IPD model––here the PROTECT step––also includes cyber security training for your staff. This step ultimately leads to sensitive data, email accounts, WiFi networks and other infrastructure being secure.


3. Step – Constantly DEFEND your business

Now that the risks are known and all possible measures have been taken to protect data, infrastructure, etc., the answer to the question is still missing: How can I detect threats immediately and act quickly to keep my business IT security intact if I am affected by an attack? This third IPD step should therefore allow a rapid response, for example, when accounts with sensitive company data have been compromised. Under certain circumstances, this can not only result in high costs, but also cause enormous damage to the image or even threaten the existence of the organization.


Here too, three steps lead to the goal: detect (identify possible intruders), respond (take actions to isolate the threat), and recover (remove the threat with the support of a professional team and restore the desired state). This step thus ensures business continuity, fits like the others as an elementary part of the IDENTIFY-PROTECT-DEFEND model and thus completes the entire cybersecurity roadmap.


Stay safe and secure with trusted partners

With all the written in mind, let's face reality: Cyber threats will unfortunately not disappear–– but companies and organizations of all sizes can always rely on the non-stop commitment and support of Telekom Business Europe as a one-stop store and reliable partner for their cybersecurity roadmap and corresponding technologies and measures.


But above all, it should be noted that mastering the challenges of the digital era requires a comprehensive cyber security strategy such as the IDENTIFY-PROTECT-DEFEND model which covers all areas of IT security involving the strengthening of technologies and people: identify and eliminate vulnerabilities to defend against emergencies plus the sensitization and training of employees. All for keeping your business safe and secure in a digital world.



  1. Top cyber threats in the EU